Night-Night Animals

Pull the sliders. Change the picture.

Author: Patricia Hegarty

, Illustrator: Thomas Elliott


ISBN: 9781838914103 Category:

PUBLICATION DATE: October 13 2022

EXTENT: 10 pages

DIMENSIONS: 190 x 190 mm

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It’s time for the forest animals to go to sleep . . .

Pull the sliders to help the animals to wake up or go to sleep in this cute bedtime book, and find out who else should be in bed, fast asleep!

From the snoozy savannah to the restful rainforest, there are so many habitats to explore.

Meet the author

Patricia Hegarty

Patricia Hegarty is currently the Editorial Director of Caterpillar Books and has written about all kinds of things from trees and bees to ABCs (and she loves to rhyme).

Meet the illustrator

Thomas Elliott

Thomas Elliott is an illustrator and designer with a keen love of nature. When he’s not creating beautiful books, he likes to spend time with his family and two dogs.