My Monster Dumper Truck

Author: Steve Smallman

, Illustrator: Joëlle Dreidemy


ISBN: 9781848952287 Category:


BINDING: Paperback

EXTENT: 24 pages

DIMENSIONS: 280 x 260 mm

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What is better – a great big chunky dumper truck or a massive monster crane? A sleek and shiny sports car or a supersonic plane? Find out in this fabulous, funny book filled with the biggest trucks and fastest rockets. And meet two little boys with very big imaginations!

Meet the author

Steve Smallman

Steve Smallman worked as a children’s book illustrator for 20 years before he decided to ‘have a go’ at writing his own. Now, over 100 books later, he’s still at it! He visits schools, libraries and f…

Meet the illustrator