Five Christmas Friends

Author: Danielle McLean

, Illustrator: Rosalind Maroney


ISBN: 9781801040372 Category:

PUBLICATION DATE: October 14 2021

EXTENT: 10 pages

DIMENSIONS: 170 x 170 mm

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Count to five with these Christmas friends.

Slide the sliders and flip the flaps to bring the festive friends to life. Perfect for little ones learning to count.

A count and slide book!

Meet the author

Danielle McLean

Danielle is a children’s book editor who lives in South East London. She dreams of living in a house full of wiggly piglets and fluffy white kittens. When she’s not writing and editing children’s book…

Meet the illustrator

Rosalind Maroney

Rosalind Maroney works from her home studio on top of a hill overlooking the houses and sea. She lives with her partner and two children who love picture books as much as she does. Rosalind was origin…