The Clumsy Monkey
Animal Antics
Illustrator: Phil Alderson
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Buy from Bookshop.orgMorris the monkey is the clumsiest monkey around, and his troop do nothing but tease him. Finally Morris can stand it no longer and sets off to find himself a new home. But the jungle is a dangerous place for a little monkey, especially at night, and soon Morris is in a prickly spot of bother.
Animal Antics is packed with crazy capers – you’ll fall out of your tree laughing!
Meet the authors
Lucy Courtenay
Lucy Courtenay worked in publishing for many years before leaving to become a full-time writer. She has contributed to a number of young fiction series, including Beast Quest. When not writing, she en…
Meet the illustrator
Phil Alderson
Phil Alderson became an illustrator after his early aspirations to be a cool musician dwindled due to the premature loss of his hair in his twenties. Luckily, he was very good at drawing pictures, so…