Puppy Dog! Puppy Dog! What Can You See?
What Can You See? Pintachan, Book 3
Author: Amelia Hepworth
, Illustrator: Pintachan
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Buy from Bookshop.orgPuppy Dog! Puppy Dog! What can you see?
Behind this flowerpot, who could it be?
Lift the flaps to help Puppy Dog discover who is hiding underneath. With a mirror under the final flap, this seek-and-find book is perfect for sharing with the very smallest of readers.
Meet the author
Amelia Hepworth
Amelia Hepworth lives in London with her family. When she is not writing stories, she enjoys spending time with her little boy and daydreaming in her backyard.
Meet the illustrator
Pintachan’s real name is Pablo! And he lives in the north of Spain with his family where he enjoys watching old sci-fi movies, eating liquorice and, of course, illustrating children’s books. Pablo has…